
Welcome to born to survive
I came up with the idea of Born to survive through watching the much loved program Charmed, featuring Holly Marie Combs playing the character Piper Halliwell. Piper stood out when I watched the first episode and it wasn't until hundreds of episodes later I understood why. Piper Halliwell is sensative, shy, hates confrentation but yet knows her faults and tries to get through them. Through thick and thin she has survived everything life has thrown at her, while staying the heart and meditator of the family. To top it all of Holly Marie Combs plays her to perfection.
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How Holly feels about her character Piper and if they are alike
I don't know if i am like my character. The character and I both went kind of through emotional ups and downs together, and a lot of her dealing with Prue’s death was me dealing with Shannen’s departure and we’re very similar. It’s tough to keep the line between your character and yourself very clear and distinct sometimes, especially when you’ve been doing it for seven years. I’m very proud of my character, the way that she’s matured and where she came from and she was a very hyperactive, worrisome, very unsure of herself woman and she’s matured into this self confident mother that is very suddenly headstrong. And she’s evolved a little bit to be more like Prue which was kind of by design, when I became the oldest sister, and she’ll most likely end up some version of Prue.
How Holly Feels about Alyssa Milano (Phoebe)
"I see Alyssa more than I see my husband. We are like old-time, family friends. We know everything about each other, and we've become so close we don't even have to say anything out loud in order to communicate."